With a grenade, it splinters into thousands of tiny fragments. I had to go to the rear for something, I forget what) but anyway after an hour back there seeing all the shit going on I felt much safer in the bush. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Found inside – Page 101Fragging discusses the problem of intentional fratricide during the Vietnam War . “ What is the truth about fragging in Vietnam ? How often did it really ... Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Read more The final conversations were about 48 . Linda McCartney, singer, photographer, activist; member of band Wings; former wife of Beatles member Paul McCartney. Konstantin Chernenko, president of the Soviet Union 1984-1985. Although there had long been similar assaults in the U.S. armed forces, they have never been as routine as they became in Vietnam. USS Boston, in particular, was a huge ship by the standards of the Vietnam War. ""Mean Joe" Greene, pro football player (Pittsburgh Steelers) considered one of the greatest defensive linemen ever to play in the NFL; member of Pro Football Hall of Fame. Answer: Tunnel Rat was not a regular job title. There were lax standards, which meant that there were crates of grenades available. That night at chow, Doc Hampton said he was going to the orderly room to see the First Sgt. Map 1: The Two Vietnams, Early 1975. The term 'fragging' developed during the Vietnam War when increasing numbers of combat troops used fragmentation grenades to kill officers. “But this was probably only the tip of a deadly iceberg,” says historian James Westheider. So why purposely try to kill a soldier with a higher rank? Did it begin in the 1950s when the Geneva Accords . These battle weary troops from the 1st Air Cav. George Lepre, author of Fragging: Why U.S. soldiers assaulted their officers in Vietnam, said that 42 soldiers and 15 Marines were killed in such incidents.More than 200 servicemen died from drug . Take a moment to read this interesting report: http://www.montereyherald.com/article/ZZ/20080914/NEWS/809149984, For every actual fragging incident, there was an untold number of threats of fragging. 14 What is the life expectancy of a Vietnam veteran? Great piece. What we’ve read in the newspapers, however, has just been bits and pieces. One morning in 1971 a booby trap was discovered just outside the hootch where someone going to take a leak during the night would trip it. Most of us took the attitude that “we are all in this together” and treated our EM’s accordingly. She is the daughter of legendary actor and WWII Naval Officer Henry Fonda. Vietnam war aftermath; After the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975, Vietnam became an unified country under control of North Vietnam's communist government with Hanoi as its new capital. Do you have information you want to share with HuffPost? How many soldiers were arrested for fragging? He did, however, take precautionary measures to reinforce his sleeping area. With extreme reluctance (after a young West Pointer from Senator Mike Mansfield's Montana was fragged in his sleep) the Pentagon has now disclosed that fraggings in 1970(109) have . Ho Chi Minh, pictured in 1962. The Vietnam War happened during the Cold War.It would last for 30 years. In every war this country has ever fought these incidents have occurred. We had an idiot battalion commander and at the time a gung ho infantry SGT Major and they should have been the beneficiaries but most of us officers kept those two away from the troops to the extent possible. This came during the final years of the war when men who were violent, drug-addled, or disturbed became a significant presence in the Army and Marine Corps, causing a serious breakdown of discipline. Most fraggings occurred inside camps, while out in jungles and rice paddies, a different method was used by infantrymen who wanted to kill “bad officers,” according to Robert Nylen, a combat infantry officer and author of Guts. In the early years, the U.S. Army in Vietnam was outstanding by any measure, and fragging was not a problem. THEN THEYADDED APOOL AND AC COMMISARYAT BEAR CAT IWAS GONE SEVEN MONTHS WE NEVER SAW ABUNK SLEEPING IN RICE GRASS IN MUD CLODS BLOCKS OF DIRT FOX HOLE S INRICE PADDIES RAT S R UNNING AROUND TROOPS SPRAYS LIGHTER FLUID AND SET THEM ON FIRE ,TOUGH LIVING ON C RATS WENEVER GOT ANY ONE FRAGGED BUT IHEARD THE FIRE TEAM OR SUAD ELADER GETTING HOT COMING IN CHECKING ON TROOP ON OP AND LPINTHEMEKOMG DELTA 66-67C/2/60. Some one slit the vent screen and through the frag into his office. We made it easy for you to exercise your right to vote! But many others were poor or working-class teenagers who enlisted or were drafted into the military right out of high school. Trying to piece that together, there’s no way you’re going to get evidence off of that. The first American killed in the Vietnam War died June 8 at the hand of another American soldier.. Whether occurring in the bloody, fiery chaos of sudden ambushes or during the endless nights of silent, gnawing menace spent behind enemy lines, these stories of war are truly beaucoup dinky dau . . . and ultimately unforgettable. Honeycutt certainly deserved it – he was abeting the enemy. Oddly, there's no official count of fragging deaths; one unofficial source . -John F. Kennedy, 1961. A few instances occurred—and many more were rumored—in which enlisted men collected “bounties” on particular officers or non-commissioned officers to reward soldiers for fragging them. An American soldier in a hospital explained how he was wounded: He said. Chronic indiscipline, illegal drug use, and racial militancy all contributed to trouble within the ranks. "" Iwo; Assault on Hell shows a worms eye view of the fighting on Iwo Jima. The US did not want another North Korea. After graduating from West Point in 1969, Moore served in Germany as a lieutenant and then he was promoted to captain and given command of the 188th Military Police Company in Vietnam in 1971. No, I don’t work at the NYTimes and I don’t have some ‘crystal ball’… In 1971, Colonel Robert D. Heinl wrote in Armed Forces Journal, “Our Army that now remains in Vietnam is in a state approaching collapse, with individual units avoiding or having refused combat, murdering their officers, drug-ridden, and dispirited where not near-mutinous.”. Learn why a country that had been barely known to most Americans came to define an era. Why did the French fight in Vietnam? He was not a casualty of a helicopter crash or a jeep accident. Throughout the course of the Vietnam War, fragging was reportedly common. Hundreds have been killed or wounded by service personnel with a personal score to settle. Found inside – Page 1This is the fourth volume in an operational and chronological series covering the U.S. Marine Corps’ participation in the Vietnam War. Found insideWhen soldiers return home from war, all are different - changed for life. "Cherries" tells it like it is and when finished, readers will better understand what these young men had to endure, and why change is imminent. Vietnam was all the way across the world and it did not even matter if it was a communist country, at least then we would have it for a ally. This is history on a grand scale, and a book of overwhelming importance to the public record. There are many more ways you can make a grenade deadly that you can’t make a gun. The war between the two communist neighbors broke out in the early hours of February 17, 1979, when China launched a full-scale military invasion into Vietnam's northernmost provinces. Senator Eugene McCarthy, who was the first antiwar challenger to Johnson, and thereby set in motion the process which saw the abandonment of any further presidential ambitions by Johnson, stated at the time: "I said the opposition to the war would begin when the . And spitting on guys returning was a daily affair for those returning via Travis AFB and San Francisco. Drug use, low morale, a quagmire conflict, formidable enemies, and ranks filled with below-standard troops to meet manpower needs contributed to explosive incidents. In Vietnam our Battalion Sargent Major had the latrine blow up behind him after he left. Documented and suspected fragging incidents totaled nearly eight hundred from 1969 to 1972; resulting in 86 deaths and 714 injuries. It is highly recommended for everyone interested in the performance of the U.S. military in Vietnam. “Several weeks passed before I was called one evening and informed that Kidwell had shot First Sergeant Howard and was coming for me. Here are letters from the Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korea, the Cold War, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf war, Somalia, and Bosnia -- dramatic eyewitness accounts from the front lines, poignant expressions of love for family and ... Effects Of The Vietnam War On America 1559 Words | 7 Pages. During the 2016 campaign, Trump attacked Republican Sen. John McCain's service in the Vietnam War, stating in 2015 that McCain was not a war hero because he was captured by the North Vietnamese . But it was something you kept in the back of your mind. Ten were convicted of murder and served sentences ranging from ten months to thirty years with a mean prison time of about nine years. None in my unit. Best get everything down on paper and documented before it is too late. While in basic training in in Ft Lewis, WA in the summer of 1968, in what seemed like a frat boy insider training towards the end of our basic, the Drill Sargent instructed the men in fragging of superiors who got out of line and threatened any one in the Company who repeated his words to their folks, their minister, the IG or went to the officers that they would be retaking basic training again. Although the sentences prescribed for fragging were severe, the few men convicted often served fairly brief prison sentences. © 2021 CherriesWriter - Vietnam War website. . I know of one thing, a soldier was accused of killing his Commanding Officer & 2 other Officers in the Nam. Dogs at War: Left Behind in Vietnam. By the late 1960’s, news of GI unrest was being carried on TV and in newspapers around the country and Vietnam vets were speaking at anti-war demonstrations. It was a conflict where territory changed hands frequently, people moved freely and their political loyalties were often unclear. Thank you in advance! http://www.military.com/NewsContent/0%2C13319%2C153101%2C00.html, “Why did fraggers do it?” Journalist Eugene Linden, writing in Saturday Review in 1972 (“The Demoralization of an Army: Fragging and Other Withdrawal Symptoms”), Fragging: Why U.S. Although many of those convicted received substantial prison terms for their crimes, nearly all were freed by the end of the 1970s.
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