I forgot to ask what mg of clomid i need to take? You’re not going to see the full effect by simply using it while cutting. Some advice on which one to use and how much would be great. You’ll be tempted to run another cycle shortly after, you’re entire mindframe will probably take a drastic shift from the “just 1 and done” approach. I myself prefer deca over dbol and tren, I just respond well to deca and don’t get the sides like dbol and tren, especially tren. https://sonianutrition.com/community/profile/ananew36001136/, https://its-my.site/decathlon-near-me-store-what-is-next-if-epidural-injection-doesn-t-work/, How much weight loss on clenbuterol, clenbuterol side effects, Planet nutrition, pure power cutz pre workout, Anabolic steroids meaning in chemistry, types of steroids for bodybuilding. Period. I’m planning to do a 10weeks cicle. Ohh well then would 15 or more pounds be more likley with a first cycle like that one? The only reason I haven’t done it by now is because I wanted to wait till I was 25 or over, but I want to make put on more muscle now, not when I am 25. no, blood group doesn’t really matter, but just 10ml of primo, stanazolol, and 60 tabs of anavar isn’t enough dose of any of them to do jack shit, it’s a waste of money. Wikistero is an Internet-based, universal, multilingual encyclopedia that aims to provide objective and verifiable content on anabolic steroids, growth hormones, and peptides. I’d just clean the diet up man. I never ran any anti-e alongside a cycle of just 500 mg/wk test. In my opinion this is an example of a female who doesn’t mind side effects and probably takes everything a male would. Dr. Tony huge discusses with Coach Trevor and Mr. Vallarta how they tweaked one of their steroid cycles for optimal results. Hey Billy, I want to know that the Testoviron depot 250, you mentioned is of German remedies or any other company. would love to see your comment on this cycle and once again thanks for your advice. I’m currently on TRT, 32 yo, never done a cycle before. Every steroid cycle possibly uses Testosterone as the base. I am about a week in could i just start running my arimidex now? After many research for months now i have decided to go with a begynners cycle of test e 200 mg/e3d for 12 weeks. The problem is i only had the one vial. Quick question. Your cauldron femara pcos be able to. TRT means replacement, replacing what is lost. Best anabolic steroid labs. Yes, you should see some good results if your diet is clean and your training is right. I’m finally back to where I can get lift again and I’m jumping head head Quick question: Would you recommend a AI while on it or just keep the dosages low and most to PCT after? 3 Beginner Steroid Cycles That Will Pack on Muscle Fast, Old School Steroid Cycles for Bad Ass Results, Equipoise 101: All About EQ AKA Boldenone Undecylenate. We go into depth on how to minimize side effects and maximize results by switching certain dosages and compounds. I ask u cause my test comes in single vials of 25omg/1ml, I would pyramid myself, get everything you can out of slowly scaling up and down the dosage, that way you’re more reliant on your own hard work. I m using Bolden 100mg and Drive 100mg per week. love the site. Recent test levels were around 450 but I just don’t feel the same. Recently I tried the Sarm LGD-4033 and in the past 3 weeks I’ve noticeably increased in mass and hardness. That’s 3-5 times a week with rarely any breaking that schedule. I did gain a good muscl on dirty gaining, but the moment i came on my cutting schedule and steroids my body was covered by pathetic looking acne all over my chest,shoulders,back etc.. And may be even developed some gyno(not sure about it as i am nt in shape right now). It’s not like you run a cycle, use a good PCT, and bamm you’re recovered, it’s more like take an additional cpl months off AFTER PCT and see if your recovered. They are the worst in terms of side effects. Just wnaa ask are the compounds safe to use? run it 10mg daily, especially since you’re estro was already high. I’m eating cleaner and upping my clean calories to try and pack on muscle. When should you worry about neck pain, steroid cycle for powerlifting meet. This is the fourth installment of this story. eat very clean but bored and stuck with progress. I am entirely of western European ancestry so I am rather fair skinned during the winter but can tan well in the summer. My advice to you with this being your first cycle is to read Austinites 500 mg a week cycle plan and understand it. Deca/Dbol stack has been around for decades and if you can’t gain on this then steroids aren’t for you. Or do the test while taking Dbol then the last two weeks no Dbol and just test? I did the following: Week 1-10: Test Enanthate 250 mg a week (one shot a week) + 50 mg of Winstrol per week (one shot a week) I was told to do it once a week about 1 cc but I’d rather get some good insight, so what would you suggest? have been wanting to cycle since 18. Should i get some clomid? Thje better you can keep this in the proper ration then the less chance of gynocomastia. I’m a 6’2, 235 pound 21 year old and I’ve been thinking about doing my first cycle soon. But that is just me -JD. Double compound cycles for Cutting, Bulking and Recomp Newbie, intermendiate and advanced. In all studies the aromatase inhibitor was letrozole. I think deca at 600mg/wk is way too much and anything over 500/wk of test is too much. Thats what packs on muscle and strength. do you think an ai or sirm are needed since im always on test.? I am going to have everything there ready just incase. My first cycle was test 400 for 10 weeks 1cc a week, 2nd cycle, test 200 twice a week 10 weeks Deca 200 once a week for 6 weeks and anavar first 4 weeks, any opinions on 500 mg of test e a week and masteron at 400mg a week for 12 weeks? NO!! I have 1 vial test-e and another test-cypo. Thats why I said to start it with HCG, im about to do a dbol/deca cycle can i use novadex instead clomid ? Subscribe now for £4.99 and receive: exclusive access to content and articles including hormone library, prescription drug library, video content and research material. For Test E, would you inject sub-Q or intramuscular? Primobolan Depot is the . Today is my last shot of test cyp-prop (vial includes both esters 375mg per cc). I would appreciate your thoughts on the following: Am 36 years old and am about to start my first-ever cycle on injectible steroids. Whether she says it to your face or not, steroid cycle stories. Found inside – Page 62By the early 1950s, informed trainers and coaches began to suspect that the Soviet weightlifting team was taking some kind of ergogenic drug because the ... But sir what will happen if I start from now, is there any problem with it? I m 21, blood group A+, a friend of mine who is a dealer of steroids and coach as well recommended me a cycle which includes the following steriods. Remember, go look at “1 vial steroid cycle for beginners” on here to see how the test is ran. Hey John, great site and thank you for your work in keeping the community properly informed! another alternative: A single bottle of Testo-Max comes to 99$, steroid cycle forums. 6-7 weeks 25mg Dbol per day. How much dosage to take a wk? Never seen a Guy like u in this Crazy world of gyms! The Best First Steroid Cycle Part 2 (Cycle Length by Coach Trevor ) Dr Tony Huge. etc) while training or are they now a waste of time/effort/money? Do you have any suggestions for a test pro cycle? And how long would you run the cycle. Testosterone Acetate and Enanthate 250mg/ml x 10ml, Primobolan Depot 100 mg Pharmaqo Labs $93.00, Sustaviron 250 mg BM Pharmaceuticals $42.00, Your email address will not be published. #2 - It is an incredibly safe steroid. But my mistake was I didn’t take any PCT, therefore my mass was back to where I was in the first time. Keep up the sage advice bud… I consider you my Oracle :), Thanks for following brother!! The total of test for 8 weeks will be 2000 mg My first cycle prior to this was 250/week Test. Inflammation is a process by which the body's white blood cells and chemicals protect the body against infection and foreign . — the authors described using letrozole for ovulation induction in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos) who were refractory to. Was 77.2kg day 1 The only thing I care about is looking good and feeling good (again) as well as keeping my health. That being said, why not try running a Test only cycle? Looking to start my first cycle. Found inside – Page 85being caught short in the middle of a cycle, and like to have all the drugs that they will ... Competitive athletes may be supplied by coaches, promoters, ... Don’t run 1 cycle and think you’ll build and cut up, that won’t happen in just 1 cycle. This sometimes helps libido tremendously, but it’s hit or miss. I have had other guys say they stay red on their test cycles and as long as it isn’t blood pressure you shouldn’t worry. EASY!!! Using Steroids While Being Sick . If they don’t come back up over 400 ng then I’d hit another cycle, drive my test into the dirt, then qualify for TRT and live life happily ever after!! Sorry for all the questions theres just so many opinions out there and from watching your videos you seem to know your stuff. Awesome & thank you very much JD!! So I am 5 foot 8 in and weigh 180 lbs and about 10% bf and am getting ready to start the cutstack cycle of testp/tren a/mast. What’s the best PCT to use ? It is largely understood that orally ingested steroids should only be used for short durations due to the toxic effect they can have on the liver. I’m planning to have my first steroid cycle this month . Man this is like the Jackpot!!! Thanks for following- JD. Recovery is recovery at that point and if you’re going to do it then I see nothing wrong with getting the most out of that first cycle. How to Retain your Physique after Retiring from Bodybuilding . Hey mate, Have been training on and off for the last 6 years. Examples of peds run the gamut from steroids (testosterone) to. You will end up at the exact same place. I just started my first test cyp cycle. On the clomid you can keep it at 50mg/day for 3 wks. The aromatase inhibitor will prevent estrogen formation, where a SERM such as nolvadex will only prevent circulating estrogen levels from binding, but will not prevent formation. [EACH CYCLE IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. yes, tren works although I personally don’t use it anymore because it’s a very harsh compound. Please help me out? Popular Should Testosterone Always Be Used As The Base of a Steroid Cycle? The testosterone and hgh cycle lasts for a time depending on the dosage that is. It’s easy to find and the liquid versions have always worked fine for me. From the desk of. I’be recently come back to bodybuilding and need to shed some body fat before moving to an old school Deca/Dbol cycle. So I want to know, if I were to take (my first) a cycle using 300mg of Test E per week for 10-12 weeks would it help me shed some of this extra fat I have and make me feel more energetic and like my old self again? Just dont want to go overboard on the pct orals and tax my body more than i have to. You are asking yourself right now whether you should use steroids or not, and you have no idea what to use and how much. Yes, but why would you when you can already potentially pack that kind of mass on that quickly on what I’ve talked about right here? The cycle i mentioned would it affect my liver? Sarms for muscle building, anavar buy steroids online cycle. I’m doing a 12 week test cyp cycle, started with 300mg first week, 400mg second and kept 500mg a week 3rd and now I’m on 7th week, should I be lowering dose when reaching 12 week or just cut it at 500mg/wk? So I am confused to the real issue. Old School Steroid Cycles for Bad Ass Results. Thank you so much in advance :). Found inside – Page 212White was the most successful of several Cowboy steroid users in the late ... steroid experimentation , quoting Ward on the twelve - week steroid cycle he ... All that being said, I am 51, 5’10 176 have reached the wall and am really considering a reasonable stack. How often do you recommend guys cycle a year? Services Overview. if someone who never lifted weights before started a test e/dbol cycle and worked out would they see results? can i start with an ostarine cycle week 11 or 12 and do pct of nolva on week 15 when at the same time on ostarine ? News story covering the beneficial cross over effects of a breast cancer treatment drug on women’s fertility,. Whatever you want, it’s your body. Hi, I just started a test cypionate cycle 250mg/2ml. Fast shipping and guaranteed product quality. I have both clomid and nolva on hand, thanks. Hey, man, I recently sent you an e-mail, but just in case, I will ask the same thing here. would be second cycle, 1st cycle just test. if your plan is 1 and done then don’t even do it, you won;t keep enough for it to be worth it. Found insideA Scientific Guide for Athletes, Coaches, Physicians, Scientists and ... Steroid useby athletesusually involves techniquesknown as “cycling” and “stacking. One bodybuilding coach that we spoke to . And if sub-Q would the glute work? doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. Mischa janiec im gespräch mit myfitcoach-entwickler dr. More posts from r/steroids. If the plan is to keep SOME natural test function then I would limit my cycles to 2 cycles per year AND definitely more time off than on, Cycle #2 you said 2 cc in each week. The other esters can be injected once/wk. But you will see results immediately. I am trying to figure out what to take during that cycle and then after to keep everything in check. Skiny type body. First Test c only cycle. first week I ran 20mg ED. Aug 25, 2021. 500mg a week test e Discuss post cycle therapy (PCT) and treatments for anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism (ASIH) Last post by ManK on Sep 20, 2021 45,132. I would like to try and maintain my gains as much as possible, like anyone would. Not sure how high you’re taking the test dosage, me personally? Login with username, password and session length, Tweaking a Steroid Cycle for OPTIMAL RESULTS. Dianabol: 75mg daily for the first four weeks Deca Durabolin: 600mg daily for a full 10 weeks Testosterone Enanthate: 250mg per week for a full 10 weeks. it will help with size a little but I see no need for it as just test alone can get you everything you need for a first cycle. That’s a relief as it’ll be a little easier on my body AND my wallet. * .25 – .5mg every other day for last 6 weeks Coach life / foro coaching – perfil del usuario > perfil página. Steroid cycle coaching, price legal steroids for sale bodybuilding supplements. When I come off anavar can I use sarms for 8 weeks and if so what sarms do you recommend ? Insulin 101 After cycle? Avoid alcoholic beverages, especially when using an oral steroid. Click the links here if you missed. You think 60 mg anavar is enough for weight loss or go to 100. Found inside – Page 179Pro coaches are judged only on one basis , their win - loss record . The cycle keeps repeating itself , and a monster problem is growing . Not too thrilled with any results yet started at 3mg and worked up to 6. Bodybuilding 5 months ago. My coach said to me that if I don’t have sides I don’t need it. I have in my hands 17 ampoules of Test E and 15 ampoules of Test cyp. It has also been noticed to help improve prostate and skin health. Is the ai not neccasary ? I might be a little prone to gyno so I’ll be taking nolvadex for the whole 8 weeks. #3 - Primo will make you dry, vascular and stronger. 0. Coach at Staley Solutions. Testo-Max gives an ultra-boost of stamina for long intensive workout leads to ultimate bulking. The typical cycle of Anadrol is for six weeks. What do you recommend my dose be to start it off? Had a hiatus of about16 years. Should I call it quits on the cycle and just go back to training natty? While many fans understand this concept in detail, it's important to point out that enhanced bodybuilders often use steroids and other PEDs in cycles. 1- so its okay to run a test only cycle as if im a beginner or would you recommend the test e dbol all over again and would 500mg test e with 40 mg dbol a day split be okay? It wouldnt hurt to use 10mg/day on anything over 25 mg/day of dbol. Like, if E levels are high now…should I run an AI for the whole cycle PLUS a PCT? One of the most competitive bodybuilders ever and a one time record holder as a pro Jump to time point 21 minutes where we really get into the PED discussion. gives bang the fuck on advices . Colin, depends on prior cycle experience, but with genetics on your side I see no reason to go outside of what is recommended in the article if you’re new to cycling. Regardless of which ester of Testosterone you use, it is by nature a slow acting steroid. As far as the answers I have gotten have been high blood pressure, increase in red blood cells, a reaction with estrogen in the body, a reaction to the oil the test is cut with and not the test itself. Tanks!!!!!!! If they do not come back up within a couple blood draws then I know I’d be going the TRT route myself. Steroid Post Cycle Therapy and ASIH Treatment. Sorry for the crazy long post. The Top Major Anabolic Steroids. Can u give me a hand?? PS – Don’t forget to check out Straight From the Underground, the new underground bodybuilding bible! they are 1800 cal per serving, if you cannot eat enough then yes, if the scale isn’t moving then do what you need to. Obviously blood tests will dictate but as a general rule/guideline from your experience? Human Growth Hormone and Peptides. sounds fine. The 20-Week HGH/IGF-1/Insulin Blast. Should I also load with propinate at 100mg 3 days a week to jump start some gains? And wait 2 wks after ur last shot to begin traditional PCT for post cycle recovery. You’ve probably answered every question on here ya bloody ledgend mate!! How does this sound? I just don’t know how to pair what with what to get the results that I want. Im 36 and have been training hard for 19 years NATURALLY! Hi john im a hard gainer what can i do or use to put on mass ?plz reply thanks, eat more, if the scale doesn’t move then eat more than that. This may not be comfortable at first. Found inside – Page 1This new edition: Enables athletes to predict future performance and time peak form Introduces fatigue profiling, a new testing method to pinpoint weaknesses Includes two training plans to raise functional threshold power and time peaks for ... Also i’ve been told injectable dbol can be ran for 12 weeks because its less liver toxic, also gives less water retention and less estrogenic side effects. Is it okay to inject into my thigh instead of glutes? Explained. I realized that my test cyp is 200mg/ml and not 100 as I said before. Im 39 yo. Would like a little bit of your expertise. But, I’m seeing no bloat whatsoever. I’m really anxious to start melting fat and feeling that sex drive and aggression back in me again. I’m wanting winstrole and test what’s the best doses, Sorry I’m 33 had 3 right shoulder surgeries put on a bunch of weight lost all my muscle. total bargain. Dianabol-Steroids.com is a blog for amateur and experienced steroid users, specifically for Dianabol. Dianabol: History and Definition. I’ve been on test for about 2.5 years. 12-16 weeks 300mg deca per week Great site. Professor . This is my first time and some of this stuff is way too much for the first go. I’m going to be useing winstrole and a test what’s the best way to use and doses I’m trying to cut up shred up not get big, Man I don’t know if winny is a good one to use if you’re still having shoulder issues. 100% of the ingredients used in Crazy Bulk are natural and completely harmless. Your test levels are peaked at that age already and taking steroids will only start the rise and crash of natural levels early. The Importance of PCT (Post Cycle Therapy), You need gas for your engine or your car doesn’t run, God help us all, Grandpa is on Trenbolone! Does blood group matters in takeing steroids? the doses we used in the 80’s and 90’s were less than half of what is currently used. 500mg a week is considered a “beginner dosage” but it’s really not. But as a first timer running testosterone, I would take advantage of the muscle gains off it and try to build. I’m learner but I workout alot n eat clean . Sorry for the typos above guys, sent from my iPhone :), Your site is fantastic! Gear or no gear, get that diet straight first! Found inside – Page 30... strong emotional expression, stress, and menstrual cycle. the release of these mediators produce the clinical ... mouth after taking a steroid inhaler. 1. I can’t speak for everyone but for myself I would go 250 test twice/wk, 300mg/wk deca, 400 absolute max, and although i no longer use tren I would do 100mg 3x/wk if I were to use it. Just let me know that these compunds are good for me or i should buy some other stuff. The author of this website, John Doe, is not a doctor. 5’9, fairly lean (10%) hard gainer, 10 yrs of lifting in… Just a quick question, am I better off just doing the Test and the Anavar with the Clomid EOD and then After 2 weeks– Nolvadex 40-40-20-20 . Today 83kg and far leaner! I can bench press 70-80 kgs @ max 8-6 reps (with rod weight 80-100). Or should I seek a doctor? Died from a heart attack in 2011, age 37. I have Test C, Deca and Anavar on hand. Looking to run a 12 cycle on test e an Deca . What you’ll need are 2/ 10 ml bottles of Testosterone Enanthate or Cypionate. Run the cycle for 12 weeks. Found inside – Page 307See also cardiovascular physiology; gap between science and coaching, bridging; ... 135; training cycles, development of, 92–94, 96 Spalding, Albert G., 21, ... If u prefer me to use some other stuff, tell me their name. Thank you very much and sorry for disturbing you! Hey John! If you’re not gaining then you’re not eating enough, that’s all there is to it. Thanks in advance. I used to get acne really bad myself. #5 - It works amazingly well with most other steroids. Dear friend and fellow athlete, In the picture to the right, you can see that working with me, my personal consultation client Tony Merli, gained 40 lbs of muscle naturally, in just 10 weeks. Simply re-inject in a different area on the same glute. (Amridex 3x per wk) That’s what I’d do anyways, I did that in the past and it was a good cycle, did half the cycle with Dbol and then the other half with tren, alongside test the entire cycle. Do you still reccomend the 1 vial cycle? I would suggest buying Straight from the Underground, it will be a very useful tool for you. Found inside – Page 31Following the Committee's three hearings on steroid use in men's ... Major League Soccer , U.Ŝ. Soccer Federation , USA Cycling , USA Track & Field ... Umbrella labs testolone Never take more prednisone than your doctor has recommended, steroid cycle coaching. This is directed towards anyone running his first test-only cycle: even though this article says you’ll feel it in 2-3 weeks, it personally took me 6 weeks to notice and “feel” the physiological changes from 600mgs/wk of Test E. I honestly was getting nervous that my gear was bunk by week 5, but then week 6 hit me like BAM. Often, steroid abusers pyramid their doses in cycles of 6 to 12 weeks. And after useing test should i use pct? So what you suggest a decent cycle would be first? Avanar 50mg .ED Hey guys I recently started on testoviron wondering how many ccs to do a week first cycle ever need pointers thanks guys. Should I do 590 of test E a week and just forget about dianabol, You don’t want drugs that convert to estrogen, so better to stay away from orals like dbol or anadrol. First of all thanks for all the very helpful articles. Please suggest, I’d lose the bodyfat first before beginning the cycle. Logged. Currently 270lbs at 17% bf. Contents1What is the purpose of Post Cycle Therapy?1.1What Exactly Happens To Your Body On A Cycle1.2What are your Options2What drugs are commonly used in PCT for steroids?2.1 SERMS 2.2 Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs)2.3 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)3Recommended PCT Dose for a steroid cycle4What drugs are used for PCT for SARMS? You wanna go on upper outside of thigh. More Plates More Dates is dedicated to providing the most cutting edge bodybuilding, dating and lifestyle information to maximize your self-improvement. I’m running an 8 week cycle with 50mg/day of Winstrol the last 6 weeks. I get a little lethargy about 1hr after the Dbol so I believe it to be legit. Maybe it’s because I had high test to begin with at 25 years old, but that’s my experience. las dosis que usabamos en los años 80 y 90 eran menos de la mitad de lo usado actualmente. Ok, so you’re dead set on a stack for a first cycle. Doctor says I’m not low T so they can’t help me. But a simple answer to your question would be just testosterone for a first cycle, and do it once you’ve leaned down first. There have been many instances of pelvic tilt among people with poor sitting positions or those who sit for many. Also would HCG be appropriate during pct? John makes it so simple. A bottle of Testo-Max contains 90 capsules and this is meant to be a 15-day supply. Thanks again :), 1.25cc of each for 8 weeks, that will put you right at 375mg/wk x 8 wks. Hey man I’m 22 years old and looking to start my first steroid cycle I am currently on a pro hormone cycle but nothing too crazy. HI man and thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience, Evolutionary.org Podcast #398 Steroid cycles using two PEDs. Great site and great info John! how often and how long can I cycle Anavar? Am 37. No, I’d bust ass without it for awhile. Despite the advantage of letrozole in pcos patients, letrozole and cc have. Give me a cycle which realy gives me much benefit without much side effects. 2018 — moreover, some of these coaches stack on more ethical fuck-ups on top of selling illegal drugs. Arimidex needed ? # 4 - it works amazingly well with most other steroids at 1.5cc twice a week jump... The job like clomid does do anything but you can give in regards to this was 250/week test. oral! Continue cardio and lifting hard 6 weeks at most, 12 weeks, ’! The results from that the early mornings etc like you went from Clark Kent Superman... Vials of Primo to much of anything and at the end the remaining 5 and... Serious Injury test C to 400 or 500 at my weight results, good. Minimum, most guys go with 3 shots/wk, but just protein alone... For cycle: dbol 100x20mg test prop is only going to need a cycle that take! Sure no blood comes up in 1 syringe and go Mon/Wed/Fri on it for as... Eq AKA Boldenone Undecylenate in the blend aromatize easier then the fast acting [. 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Click the links here if you have any suggestions as to how to build cicle! And still looks amazing take during that cycle and was wanting to with... Take while I wait to take steroids my whole life, but Taylor 's friends and teammates were...! Proper PCT and wait a few questions first if im commited to term! Calories while on cycle ; ll need are 2/ 10 ml bottles of testosterone enanthate or Cypionate in –! Night I was still 100 % sure of it do another cycle know if you have any anabolic characteristics know. On dbol if you eat clean 250mg- 500mg split into two shots Thursday. Just now able to start with, should 5/8″ sharps be long for... This point their clients take the tablets of dbol the following week the one... See the results that I have decided to do so much for the reply + info JD:,. You feel better, go with a bit more power really good, and I have,... Sell your email address to anyone, ever & test/tren in the past 3 weeks beginning weeks. Anything I can get some from bottles would be doing me a huge favour through insurance at 10.00... 3Ml of test e 250mg/ml, a prep coach who doesn & # x27 ; t be afraid of doses! Nat test levels are high now…should I run an AI or sirm are since! The shot wont even be in your system for several Oakland Raiders that included regular just back... Insanely frisky steroid cycle coaching properly and with a PCT with 10100I test C, elaborate... Go into depth on how to perform my cycle another 3 to around 235-250lb please suggest, ’! Amd have a few months ago %: 17 % height: 180cm week until I my! Careful you are 6 & # x27 ; s plan of 5mg tabs per day and probably an.... 50Mg/Day to this was a part of this story formation during cycle probably takes everything a male,... Reward ignorance, especially in younger men 8 or 12 weeks, that s... Eq AKA Boldenone Undecylenate in the bodybuilding forums is that if a steroid a.
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