Why would he be hearing from lawyers? Maj. Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan: Colonel Blake? what it's like to stand day after day in blood? What some people will do to get out of the Army. Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce: I'm able to do a lot of things in surgery that I'm not really good enough to do. That wasn't an official 'over'! Capt. : I spent a week with you in command, Frank. That's a free man. Curtains. You can torture me with your thrice daily swill, but you cannot break the spirit of a Winchester. It's burned into their brains. Frank Burns: That's right. This hospital is in a hospital zone. Roy Dupree: Shoot, back home, my mama'd sprinkle this stuff on her ironing board! And to Gresky, my best friend, who just passed away in Tokyo. Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce: [creating Tuttle's service record] Religion? So you hit her over the head with a blunt instrument. Maj. Frank Burns: [giggles childishly] Tickles! [Hawkeye continues laughing] . : Well, we managed to kill another five minutes of the war. He's tinkering with our parts! Maxwell "Max" Q. Klinger: I gave that up for lent. Every valve. Col. Sherman T. Potter: Oh, I get it. Henry Blake: Luckily he's got the legs for it. Col. Sherman T. Potter: I didn't think so. Col. Potter: Your lawyer's a buck private, and he's no lawyer. Alan Alda. Maj. Sidney Freedman: Just Larry, Moe and Curly over in the Swamp. It won't turn over; Margaret gets out] Where are you going? Captain John McIntyre: Understand you're in need of a medical man here. Regulations against having the real kind. Major Houlihan just had her pulse taken by an octopus. And a zipper down the back. Maj. Frank Burns: He's stuffing a bunch of personnel into a jeep! I won't have it. Thinking of selling my clubs? You seek refuge in this house of the Lord when it serves your purpose. Hawkeye: You need any help holding up your pen? Hawkeye: Was I singing? Hunnicut: I never thought I would use this term in a negative manner, but you're depraved. Capt. ", Hawkeye: "I was latrine officer, son. Rich young draftee doctors all dressed up like drum majorettes. Buzz off. Walter "Radar" O'Reilly: [Trapper grabs the clipboard and throws it in the stove] Hey! All by herself. What difference does it make what I do in the morning? Major Morris: You guys! Hawkeye: Okay, Klinger, you're on. Capt. Hawkeye: Oh, trust me. His nickname, "Hawkeye," comes from a character in the novel The Last of the Mohicans. Cpl. Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce: Abe Lincoln. And believe me you won't get sleepy. Frank Burns: [looking at Klinger] What's he doing in here? Hawkeye: I put a colonel back together. Col. Potter: Winchester, you'll just have to use the ravine latrine like everybody else. Colonel Henry Blake: [His wife has taken up tennis] She wear those short little skirts. You have invented 'the stick'. Walter "Radar" O'Reilly: I have this peculiar metabolism. The gift does not lie in your hands. Maj. Frank Marion 'Ferret Face' Burns: Oh, well I can do that. Capt. Hawkeye: I don't know, I was too busy going too far. A drink of what,prune juice? : Frank, that thing is a thousand feet up going 500 miles an hour. Margaret: If I didn't hate violence, I'd kick you. [Accidentally throws her drink on Hawkeye]. PA System Announcer: Attention, all personnel - incoming wounded. Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce: Play hard to get. Charles: [forlorn] Gentlemen... Have you ever considered that there are people less fortunate than yourselves? I HATED HIM! Father and teddy bear doing nicely. PA System Announcer: Attention, all personnel - rise and whine; we have more wounded. The hell with your Iowa naivete, and the hell with your hero worship and your teddy bear, and while you're at it, the hell with you! : [pushing that motorcycle] I'll make sure the motorcycle doesn't escape. Now I think you'll admit, the Army presents unique opportunities, that can't be had anywhere else. [big smile]. This is war. Walter "Radar" O'Reilly: Well, what does she know? It's an Army projector. We shall never speak of potty training so long as I am standing here. Radar: I have a message. Stop. You know, this of course would concern me as a physician. Maxwell Klinger: I made it just for this occasion, sir. While he might not be the experienced warrior or chosen one in the story, he is really one of the biggest heroes. It must be extra tropical for you, toting around that permanent vicuna coat. Capt. Maj. Margaret Houlihan: How about you, Colonel - what's the first thing you want when you get home? And if you need any help, just knock on my door. Lt./Capt. Gen. Wilson Spaulding Barker: Nurse, is everybody around here crazy? Corporal Maxwell Q. Klinger: Major, don't! I don't like it at all! I'm not smiling. Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce: Which way? [Hawkeye's old flame has arrived at the camp]. [He, Hawkeye and B.J. Maj. Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan: [walking in on the giant mess that Frank has created in her tent] Frank! Major Charles Winchester: [Stands up] I must object... *strenously*! Every time I go into post-op, you're hovering over Markham like a ghoul. I don't want no dime-store spitoons. I've been dying for a banana daiquiri. Father Francis Mulcahy: And the manager thereof! Capt. I'm not here for you to admire. [Hawkeye, Radar, and Klinger stares at him] I hear. Radar: The remainder of the contestants didn't finish due to a sudden undertow after breakfast. My buddies and I laid low in an old French chateau. Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce: Well, we could get bombed, there could be an earthquake, or Frank could operate on him again! Hawkeye: [furious] Keep that DAMN chicken QUIET! Charles: [looks at Hunnicut] Brice, [looks at Pierce] Honeycomb... Charles: Ruined! Major Margaret Houlihan: [noticing Trapper is using Frank Burns' duffel bag as a punching bag] Just a minute, isn't that Frank's bag? Capt. Major Charles Winchester: If you wish to heckle, Major Houlihan, please go to a nightclub. Major Franklin Marion Burns: If I had two fevers I could give you change for a ten. Hawkeye: It will if you don't stop breathing on that stove! Request instructions re: prisoners or will be forced to shoot same. Trapper: It's a little chilly out there, how bout a drink? Colonel Flagg: Don't try to make friends now. Father Mulcahy: I now pronounce you husband and wife. Molly Given is a writer and lover of all things to do with mystery and magic in life. He's a *genuine* spineless, mealymouthed fly-fisher. Hmmm! But if it weren't for us guys you'd be in the latrine. Walter Eugene 'Radar' O'Reilly: Uh, yes sir. Capt. Col. Sherman T. Potter: There's no way you can. Captain B.J. Did you get it?". Lt. Col. Henry Braymore Blake: [Annoyed] I mean blunt. Hawkeye: New surgical procedure. Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce: Besides, it's yours. My dignity tank is getting dangerously low! Lord knows I've never met a soul I could Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce: [snipers begin shooting, as Radar finishes changing a tire] Radar, get in the Jeep! You let me lean on you. Once the spirits are gone, my grandfather would let you operate. 'Howitzer' Al Houlihan: Colonel, you raise your family and I'll raise mine. Dolce! Margaret: Just hang on, you'll get your turn. Capt. [Dismounts from the jeep] Never let it be said I didn't do the least I could do. Privacy Statement • And a snooty major who pays me twenty bucks to go out into the woods with him and watch him blow up a pigeon with a land mine. Walter "Radar" O'Reilly: [Finding out that the laundry man served in the Korean cavalry] He's a sir, sir. Col. Potter: If Frank Burns makes any more patronizing cracks about my age, I'll take him behind the motor pool and let the air out of his tires. Cpl. Colonel Flagg: [cornering Hawkeye] Your butt is in my sling. Corporal Walter Eugene O'Reilly: I don't know. Frank Burns: Keep your snoots out of this! Time you got on with your life. Then what did it have to do with? Cpl. [Maj. Winchester was followed by Chinese musicians, one of whom was pushing a motorcycle]. Colonel Sherman T. Potter: Well, it's been a miserable, grueling, rotten couple of days. Hawkeye: Read it out loud, I love the sound of my own skullduggery. Hawkeye: If you need a reason to drink, you shouldn't. Lt. Rollins: Uhm, forgive my ignorance, Mr. President, but that's a term I'm not familiar with. Captain John McIntyre: We get an E in effort. Jocularity! A special fiftieth anniversary edition of Kurt Vonnegut’s masterpiece, “a desperate, painfully honest attempt to confront the monstrous crimes of the twentieth century” (Time), featuring a new introduction by Kevin Powers, author of ... Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce: Don't you know me? [People start getting up]. Some day, he'll be older than I am, and [slur] 'n-I'll show him up! The, uh, King and Queen of this country were playing golf with five clubs, when their son, Jack, remarked how strange it was they had only two hearts between them. Lt./Capt. There's nothing amusing about that. Do you mind? Captain Benjamin Franklin Pierce: [picks up empty gas can and prepares to hit Frank with it] Those are MINE, you hermaphordidic weasel! Hawkeye: Oh yes you do, Frank. But when I come back there better not be any smiling. We think his parents are dead. Hawkeye: I rise in defense of the lady. Lt 'Digger' Detweiler: Where's the best place to look for causalities? You've ruined my liver! Capt. You have nothing to lose but your cookies! Capt. : [afraid of catching mumps] If you get 'em as a kid, you don't get 'em as an adult. B.J. Just get him out of here. Maj. Frank Burns: Margret, you've been drinking. I heard him tell Col. Blake to keep it quiet. ", "Well, boys, it would be hard Capt. B.J. Capt. I'll never forget it. Captain Benjamin Franklin Pierce: [In unsettled tone] Can't make it? Hawkeye: Yeah. Get out of here! Henry Blake: Face it, Pierce is the best cutter in the outfit. Captain B.J. At the worst, he has the company of a boy, a youth, and by and by a grown man -the one he used to be. Radar: Colonel, do you know what I found in the morning's mail? Hawkeye: Uh-uh, sorry, sorry, I can take umbrage, I can take the cake, I can take the "A" train, I can take two and call me in the morning, but I cannot take this sitting down. 'Trapper John' McIntyre: Hawkeye, I think I'm in love. Maxwell Klinger: I didn't want to bother the colonel in triage. Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce: Well, I have a stethoscope fetish. [Major Winchester shoots a pheasant; there is an explosion when it hits the ground]. Lt. Col. Henry Blake: Oh, Major Houlihan, Major Stoner... Maj. Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan: Major. Okay, friend, I'm not a talking man. 'Trapper John' McIntyre: With full pack. Army Capt. Capt. Trapper: Plato's Republic? Col. Sherman T. Potter: I guess we both realize you're no Radar. Lt. Col. Henry Blake: You wanna step in my office for another goody? Col. Sherman T. Potter: In what? But not a wimp! [dumps the entire contents of the bag on the floor]. B.J. [Unwraps a small blue vase]. Col. Sherman T. Potter: You're trembling, son. Col. Potter: You people - get the phone, Radar - you people have been panicking over a rumor that says the 4077 is bugging out. Due to the shortage of oil and wood, tonight's movie will be burned at 1800. Lt. Col. Henry Braymore Blake: Some dodo has been sending telegrams to President Truman. Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce: It means his pearl-handled guns are up for grabs now. The man was born with a spare tank. Hawkeye: Wanna catch a rat and make it a pet? Hawkeye: Well, why not? Cpl. Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce: Nobody forgets, the trick is learning to live with it, that's the way it is for all of us. Master Sgt. Henry Blake: Oh, fine then, if nobody does we don't have to, but make sure we do, just in case we don't. Colonel Sherman T. Potter: I call it suicide by salami. I mean, she's mixing me up with somebody else. PA System Announcer: Attention, all personnel, incoming wounded. Hawkeye: It's the same for all of us. Col. Sherman T. Potter: What's the big deal? [Points at his behind, crowd laughs and applauds] Thank you all very much, you are indeed a source of inspiration during these [inhales as Klinger accidentally cuts him] difficult times. Stand by for the fingering of the father. Maj. Frank Burns: Uh... Have you got a pencil? Frank Burns: [bombs heard in background] I hope we're giving it to 'em good, those little yellow reds. And mad as hell. Sorry, Captain. Property of Corporal O'Reilly returned. Oh, foolish me. Colonel Sherman T. Potter: You got it! We gotta get out of here, which means walking. We're major mockers. Maj. Charles Emerson Winchester III: I've given it alot of thought and have come to the conclusion that in exchange for cancelling my debt, I am prepared to part with this. Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce: Is this guy available for children's parties? Major Charles Winchester: The patient is obviously delirious, indicating a possible Subdural Hematoma. Sergeant Luther Rizzo: Well, I'll go take a look, but we ain't got too many modes left, Major. cellmates. Out! Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce: Well, who could you be unfaithful to? Hawkeye: [In unison with Trapper from Radar's phone] Three. Captain John McIntyre: [Jumping to his feet, startled] When the what went through your where? Maj. Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan: [Frank's not involved in the complaint because he didn't sign] Why didn't you let him sign? If that happens, Corporal, you'll be in the army until you're a little old whatever-you-are, in correction shoes and support stockings. Captain Sloan: I'm Captain Sloan, supervising Ac-Fin. We win some, we lose some. [Grunts] Trapper? Frank Burns: That's not my department, sir - intelligence is something I try to avoid. Col. Sherman T. Potter: Affects me the same way. Capt. I will not carry a gun! Hawkeye: We have your reservation, sir. Never had an energy flow like this. The baby is Su Yong. What's the matter here? Hawkeye: [Watching Frank's home movies; the projector starts and the screen is blank] I think I saw this movie. When? Capt. B.J. Father Mulcahy: [singing] A chaplain in the Army has a collar on his neck. He's got a 50-50 chance. Cpl. Maj. Charles Emerson Winchester III: You held up a phone call to my sister so that he could bless a COW? Frank Burns: Funny thing, war: never have so many suffered so much so so few could be so happy. Cpl. [Charles is the only one who can give the appropriate blood]. Army Capt. Col. Flagg: I am leaving tomorrow - with the penicillin! Hawkeye: How can you make a mistake giving a kid his life? I'll order you one in the morning. Capt. What other job lets you die for a living? Colonel Henry Blake: You betcha. Captain Sloan: [referring to a generic Army requisition form] Oh, just use one of those standard S-1798s and write in "pizza" where it says "machine gun.". Nurse Lacey: I'm gonna have to take a rain check. Army Capt. Major Charles Winchester: Well, you encouraged the assumption. Edwina backs Hawkeye into the stove] Ow! Huh! Capt. Lt./Capt. Sgt. Hawkeye: You just go back to being Tom Swift and his electric paranoid. Col. Potter: Five minutes? Hawkeye: [Holds up dukes] Oh yeah? Lawrence Lessig. Major Charles Winchester: Military Affairs Radio Station. Maj. Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan: I'm afraid I have a bad appendix. Hawkeye: [in the psychiatric ward] Hello, Klinger. You're turning into a 170-pound fruitcake. Capt. Captain Benjamin Franklin Pierce: [All pause, recalling their nightmares] On the other hand, maybe I'll have another cup of coffee. [cowboy accent] Wal, Sheriff, looks like you got troubles right here in Pregnant City! Lt. Col. Henry Blake: [about bombing] Pierce, are you scared? Maj. Frank Burns: Unless we each conform, unless we obey orders, unless we follow our leaders blindly, there is no possible way we can remain free. Like maybe Captain Pierce? [Looks to Radar] It's nobody's fault. Col. Potter: Congratulations, Mrs. O'Reilly, it's a bear. Lt./Capt. We don't do that shtick. All of which goes into my special report to General Mitchell, which culminates in a detailed account of your Thanksgiving "Come As Your Favorite Nude Pilgrim" party. Do you love the delicious combination of sausages and mashed potato? Who cares about that? They crated me in my sleep. Colonel Flagg: I could kill you with one finger. Major Franklin Marion Burns: Can't you ever be serious? Wh - he, he can't be dead! Well, you can just forget it. B.J. Found insideThis little book of fun, insightful "mind bytes." Savor the messages, share them, and discover wonderful ways to plump up your life and soul! We need discipline, not this Frank Burns: I know, darling, and I love being both of us. Radar: You walked out on a patient, and Major Winchester had to finish for you. Period.". Teef neva love fi si teef wid long bag __ Unscrupulous people begrudge the successes of other unscrupulous people. Lorraine has gorgeous legs since her varicose vein operation. Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce: You'll have to excuse Andry Grump, ladies, he can't get his mind out of the gutter. Found insideWhen I first started giving the concept of loving your enemy some serious ... a kind of mash-up of the two Jesus quotes: 'Love your enemy as yourself. Maj. Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan: Pierce you can really pack it in. 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