Synonyms for 'Heavy burden'. 'Home affordability for those unfortunates who aren't on the ladder must be an absolute disaster given the tax burden and low wages.'. More example sentences. Found inside – Page 332Certainly no student of the Psalms can doubt that the pious Israelite found the revealed will of God anything but a heavy burden or an intolerable yoke . bulky, hefty, massive, ponderous, portly, weighty, burdensome, difficult, grievous, hard, harsh, intolerable, laborious, onerous, oppressive, severe, tedious, vexatious, wearisome, apathetic, drowsy, dull, inactive, indolent, inert, listless, slow, sluggish, stupid, torpid, wooden, crestfallen, dejected, depressed, despondent, disconsolate, downcast, gloomy, grieving, melancholy, sad, sorrowful, complex, deep, difficult, grave, profound, serious, solemn, weighty, abundant, considerable, copious, excessive, large, profuse, burdened, encumbered, laden, loaded, oppressed, weighted, boisterous, rough, stormy, tempestuous, turbulent, violent, wild, dull, gloomy, leaden, louring or lowering, overcast, agile, compact, handy, light, slight, small, exciting, inconsequential, trivial, unimportant, awkward, bungling, clumsy, graceless, ham-fisted, inept, inexpert, like a bull in a china shop, bungling, inconsiderate, insensitive, tactless, thoughtless, autocratic, domineering, harsh, oppressive, overbearing, adept, adroit, competent, dexterous, effectual, efficient, gentle, graceful, skilful, smooth, considered, diplomatic, intelligent, prudent, sensible, smart, suitable, tactful, well-advised, well-thought-out, wise, crushed, depressed, despondent, discouraged, disheartened, dismal, downcast, downhearted, down in the dumps, forlorn, heartsick, melancholy, miserable, morose, mournful, sad, sick as a parrot, English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus, Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus, also known as "cotton duck" or "duck canvas", You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos. . in the sense of onus. -. Free online Dictionary including thesaurus, children's and intermediate dictionary by Wordsmyth. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Find 26 ways to say BURDENSOME, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Antonyms. Found inside – Page 521... refined manners or principles a heavy burden upon the inhabitants ; there will naturally arise out of refinement . are some persons who are not ashamed ... Lacking vitality; deficient in vivacity or grace: a heavy gait; heavy humor. You can complete the list of synonyms of heavy burden given by the English Thesaurus dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster... English-Synonyms dictionary : translate English words into Synonyms with online dictionaries. (of music, especially rock) having a strong bass component and a forceful rhythm. Unfortunately, the requested page is unavailable, inaccessible, unreachable at this moment. nouns. definitions. burden definition: 1. a heavy load that you carry: 2. something difficult or unpleasant that you have to deal with or…. Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us. Synonyms for 'carry a (heavy) load/burden': run out of road, suffer, undergo, come under, endure, incur, go through, be in dire/desperate straits Antonyms. Synonyms for 'burden': task, necessity, chore, struggle, headache, the impossible, a tall order, puzzler, affliction, an albatross (around your neck) Definition of heavy. adj. burden and overwhelm. Antonyms for Measure of weight. synonyms: big shot, honcho . accidental burden - English Only forum Add/reduce traffic burden - English Only forum added burden,fragments,minutest - English Only forum an aging population is a financial burden - English Only forum an albino elephant into a beast of burden - English Only forum And <though> you would call it a burden, a sacrifice, you are mistaken, sir. Lists. 1a. Found inside – Page 142... tangle Disencumber implies a release from something that clogs or weighs down or imposes a heavy burden < a science article disencumbered of scientific ... Found inside – Page 40( R3 - bооkish ) burden , load ( fig . , obsolete in literal meaning ) Она ... ( R2 ) heavy object ( usually pl . ) ... ( R2 ) speed ( as a 40 Russian synonyms. burden, weight, load, albatross, drag, affliction, dead weight, encumbrance. byrþen (Old English (ca. I think there's something to be said for living your life very mindful of the fact that you're going to die because I think you carry yourself differently. What is the meaning of groan under the heavy burden of taxation in Japanese and how to say groan under the heavy burden of taxation in Japanese? 4.1. Example sentences of the word burden-of-proof . oppress, lie heavy on, press down on, burden, be a burden on, be a burden to, weigh down, cast down, hang over, gnaw at, prey on, prey on someone's mind Synonyms and related words. . Found inside – Page 41BURDEN means something borne, and now, except in a few phrases, ... father is becoming a burden to hint. b) She had too heavy a burden and become sick. 12. Found inside – Page 319However, perhaps the most difficult problem faced by the foraminiferal taxonomist is the heavy burden of an existing nomenclature full of synonyms. 3 letter words TAX 4 letter words Antonyms for weight. Synonyms for 'Heavy burden'. examples. 102 synonyms for burden: trouble, care, worry, trial, weight, responsibility, stress, strain, anxiety . Found inside – Page 89-o-stem *hjnok-6-'burden, weight (borne)' corresponding to an action noun PIE ... e.g. Skr, guru- "heavy' (gurum bhārām "heavy burden' RV IV 5.6), ... Synonyms for 'burden': task, necessity, chore, struggle, headache, the impossible, a tall order, puzzler, affliction, an albatross (around your neck) ponderous: 1 adj having great mass and weight and unwieldiness "a ponderous stone" "a ponderous burden" " ponderous weapons" Synonyms: heavy of comparatively great physical weight or density adj slow and laborious because of weight " ponderous prehistoric beasts" "a ponderous yawn" Synonyms: heavy , lumbering heavy-footed (of movement) lacking . load; concern; onus; incumbrance; dead weight; pill; imposition; worry; headache; fardel; encumbrance; Antonyms. synonyms: antagonist, villain: definition 2: (slang) an important person. parents who have had the onerous task of bringing up a difficult child. Synonyms for (adj) heavy. The central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work. Found inside – Page 105See duty ( 1 ) . burden verb To weigh down or place a heavy load on charge , cumber , encumber , freight , lade , load , oppress , saddle , strain , tax ... Found inside... Вт. aes NHG leicht 650 SELECTED INDO-EUROPEAN SYNONYMS 9.97 DIFFICULT Gl'k. ... vvíth parallel development, starting from phrases like 'heavy burden, ... This is the British English definition of carry a (heavy) load / burden.View American English definition of carry a (heavy) load / burden.. Change your default dictionary to American English. Found inside – Page 106Weak people or weak things are not t to bear heavy burdens: laz people prefertobecarn'edrathert tocarry an hing. o bear is said either of persons or ... Antonyms for burden. Synonyms for burden - load, onus, weight, burthen, encumber, weigh down and others. Please try again in a few minutes. View all. Synonyms and related words. Synonyms for heavy include weighty, hefty, ponderous, dense, leaden, burdensome, cumbersome, cumbrous, weighing a ton and substantial. Sharply inclined; steep: a heavy grade. Synonyms for burdens include problems, issues, dilemmas, obstacles, setbacks, troubles, headaches, pickles, predicaments and quandaries. This was a dreadful crime and a severe sentence is necessary. Synonyms for burden in Free Thesaurus. Found inside – Page 465A heavy burden means one sentiments of ordinary persons . of which the weight is severely felt ; MAGNANIMITY ( Lat . magnanimitābut , " How heavy is this ? We are implementing service updates in order to make it better for our users. Found inside – Page 210Certainly no student of the Psalms can doubt that the pious Israelite found the revealed will of God anything but a heavy burden or an intolerable yoke . synonyms: antagonist, villain: definition 2: (slang) an important person. It doesn't have to be this big, negative bummer. Antonyms for burdensome. You can complete the list of synonyms of burden given by the English Thesaurus dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster. 4 letter words SICK 5 letter words HEAVY - LADEN - TAXED 6 letter words LOADED 7 letter words n. Explore 'burden' in the dictionary . Coping with three babies is very hard work. Found inside – Page 521... refined manners or principles a heavy burden upon the inhabitants ; there will naturally arise out of refinement . are some persons who are not ashamed ... Synonyms: big, with child, large, heavy, gravid, great, enceinte, expectant. 38 synonyms of burden from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 101 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Related terms for heavy burden- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with heavy burden. Synonyms for 'Heavy onus'. weighty. Similar words for Burdened. This is the British English definition of heavy. Burden: a mass or quantity of something taken up and carried, conveyed, or transported. a heavy burden of responsibility or obligation. 123 synonyms for weight: heaviness, mass, burden, poundage, pressure, load, gravity, tonnage, heft . : Dear one, there is no need to carry a heavy burden on your shoulders. Found inside – Page 2The idea is to help a brother with a burden which is too great for him to bear ... As a heavy burden they are too heavy for me " ( Ps . 37 : 5 ; KJ Ps . 38 ... administrative burden 1274. burden of proof 583. tax burden 441. financial burden 400. burden-sharing 358. burden sharing 218. Found inside – Page 8721 mass, heaviness, load, burden. preponderance, body, lion's share. ... sport or activity of lifting heavy weights. weight·lift·er n. weight·y /ˈwātē/ adj. Noun Phrase This further emphasizes that the burden of proof is on the prosecution to provide appropriate evidence. Found inside – Page 316... relinquish , yield , resign weighs down , clogs , or imposes a very heavy burden < he extraneous * extrinsic , foreign , alien can call a spade a spade ... the responsibility of paying an amount of money, especially when this is considered too much. The main theme or gist of a speech, book, or argument. -. Found inside – Page 465A heavy burden means one sentiments of ordinary persons . of which the weight is severely felt ; MAGNANIMITY ( Lat . magn & němitābut , “ How heavy is this ... They bear a heavy burden of responsibility. The contract proved to be a millstone around his neck. Log in. hard. Search heart's a heavy burden and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. : Il semblait porter une lourde charge sur ses épaules. Another word for burdensome: troublesome, trying, taxing, difficult, heavy | Collins English Thesaurus Of, relating to, or involving the large-scale production of basic products, such as steel: heavy industry. Find more similar words at . Synonyms for burden include worry, affliction, anxiety, strain, liability, stress, albatross, difficulty, encumbrance and millstone. adj. torrential, relentless, copious, intense, teeming, excessive, strong, severe. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. antonyms. the responsibility of paying an amount of money, especially when this is considered too much. Found inside – Page 1256... setback , check ; ordeal ; load , burden , weight , cious . heavy load or burden , cross , cross to bear ; inconvenience , disadvantage , handicap . According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, "burden" as a noun can have the following definitions: The refrain or chorus of a song. Best synonyms for 'heavy burden' on this page are 'heavily', 'heavy task' and 'huge weight'. Best synonyms for 'heavy burden' are 'great burden', 'heavy load' and 'huge burden'. severe. Log in. Quotes containing the word burden . Antonyms for burdens. Definition: adjective. unburden; lightness; heaviness; heavy Etymology. adj. Parts of speech. Suggest an example. . Thesaurus for Heavy burden. You can complete the definition of heart's a heavy burden given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster. empty reassure unconcern natural object heaviness light heavy. I have decided to stick to love.Hate is too great a burden to bear. empty reassure unconcern natural object heaviness light heavy. Find more similar words at . Synonyms of 'burdensome' burdensome. On this page you will find all the synonyms for the word to burden. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for HEAVY BURDEN [millstone] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word millstone will help you to finish your crossword today. Find 109 ways to say BURDEN, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Search heavy burden and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. These proposals would only increase the tax burden on business. Found inside – Page 65PYIXI ) ; and yet again , exposing the folly of the Babylonians in their idolatry , by showing that the national idols , Bel and Nebo , are a heavy burden ... 102 synonyms for burden: trouble, care, worry, trial, weight, responsibility, stress, strain, anxiety . Found inside – Page 234Weight measures the pressure due to gravity ; the same weight that one nods a moderate load when in his full strength becomes a heavy burden in weariness or ... burden and pack. Parts of speech. Please be assured that we are doing our best to bring Power Thesaurus back as soon as possible. 1. burden . Best synonyms for 'heavy onus' are 'big burden', 'great burden' and 'heavy burden'. See more. Noun Phrase The burden of proof is then on the merchant or service provider to challenge your claim. Synonyms for weight in Free Thesaurus. Found inside – Page 196Seo GRAVE , adj . Grava , heavy . Grief , act , and neut . The word is not used of physical Mourn . Tument . Complain . Deplore . Syn . Trouble . Burden . On this page you will find all the synonyms for the word to burden. Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative? Found inside – Page 264... and is a heavy burden on an old man's back ; poverty discloses our friends to us , it trieth them ; pride and poverty make bad yokefellows ; the worst ... Synonyms. It's hard to lift a heavy backpack, and it's hard to handle a heavy topic, like the meaning of life. 1. Synonyms Similar meaning. View synonyms. Found inside – Page 327Weight measures the pressure due to gravity; the same weight that one finds a moderate load when in his full strength becomes a heavy burden in weariness or ... onerous. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for BURDENED We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word burdened will help you to finish your crossword today. Synonyms for 'carry a (heavy) load/burden': run out of road, suffer, undergo, come under, endure, incur, go through, be in dire/desperate straits They bear a heavy burden of responsibility. Found inside – Page 231Certainly no student of the Psalms can doubt that the pious Israelite found the revealed will of God anything but a heavy burden or an intolerable yoke . 2. burthen . Found inside – Page 332Certainly no student of the Psalms can doubt that the pious Israelite found the revealed will of God anything but a heavy burden or an intolerable yoke . thesaurus. Explore Thesaurus . Burden as a Noun Definitions of "Burden" as a noun. Millstone definition, either of a pair of circular stones between which grain or another substance is ground, as in a mill. Burden definition is - something that is carried : load. bearing a physically heavy weight or load 1. tree limbs burdened with ice 1; bearing a heavy burden of work or difficulties or responsibilities 1. she always felt burdened by the load of paper work 1 Voice translation, offline features, synonyms, conjugation, learning games. 'burden' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): bear - beast - carry - ease - enormous - free - heavy - lighter - loaded - saddle - shift - shoulder - tremendous - undue - unduly - unfair - weight - workload Definition: in an advanced stage of pregnancy. groan under the heavy burden of taxation Japanese meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by . Found inside – Page 738Heavy . As polish extends only to the exterior , it is less liable to excess than rePOOR , PAUPER . finement : when the ... 739 general , a heavy burden. Words that Rhyme . Synonyms. 1. Page 2. 3. Definition and synonyms of carry a (heavy) load / burden from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. Another word for burden: trouble, care, worry, trial, weight | Collins English Thesaurus (2) definitions. 232 other terms for heavy burden- words and phrases with similar meaning. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. .css-1w804bk{font-size:16px;}See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. cargo. An onerous or difficult concern. synonyms. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for HEAVY LOAD [onus] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word onus will help you to finish your crossword today. Antonyms. Usage: was big with child; was great with child. 33 synonyms for burdensome: troublesome, trying, taxing, difficult, heavy, crushing, exacting . weight down with a load. Found inside – Page 83To him who is unused to labor , a light load is a heavy burden . The trusses weighed for the mule's back already form a load , but can only be a burden ... Found inside – Page 2421 be heavy , measure 2 burden , wheedle v . cajole , flatter , entice , coax , oppress , weigh down 3 consider , reflect , inveigle , fawn upon ponder ... burden of proof 2113. administrative burden 1769. debt burden 1698. burden-sharing 1264. financial burden 1131. heavy burden 1035. tax burden 815. k7pqr9p5. (ˈbɝːdən) Weight to be borne or conveyed. synonyms: big shot, honcho . : Chère petite, il n'est pas nécessaire de porter ce fardeau lourd sur tes épaules. You can complete the definition of heavy burden given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster. 'the burden of long-term illness'. sentences. 102 synonyms for burden: trouble, care, worry, trial, weight, responsibility, stress, strain, anxiety . Found inside – Page 320Weight measures the pressure due to gravity ; the same weight that one finds a moderate load when in his full strength becomes a heavy burden in weariness ... Use filters to view other words, we have 2384 synonyms for burden. Found inside – Page 234Weight measures the pressure due to gravity ; the same weight that one finds a moderate load when in his full strength becomes a heavy burden in weariness ... Synonyms for burden in Free Thesaurus. Found inside – Page 77Burden – ( a ) something heavy borne or carried by a living agent ; ( b ) the carrying capacity of a ship . The word is frequently used figuratively . 123 synonyms for weight: heaviness, mass, burden, poundage, pressure, load, gravity . phrases. 'tax' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): admission - burden - customs - drain - dues - duty - encumber - exaction - expense - levy - overwork - strain - stress - stretch - tariff - taxation - tithe - toll - try - withholding tax thesaurus. stress. Having a large capacity or designed for rough work: a heavy truck. Lists. oppressive. overwhelm distress. HERE’S WHY, THE ADVICE THAT HELPED THIS YEAR’S 40 UNDER 40 FIND THEIR OWN PATH, TRUMP ADMINISTRATION TARGETS HOMELESS TRANS AMERICANS, IF YOU CHOOSE VIRTUAL LEARNING FOR YOUR KIDS, YOU’LL LIKELY BE DISQUALIFIED FROM EXPANDED PAID LEAVE FROM THE GOVERNMENT, APPLE AND GOOGLE EXPAND DIGITAL CORONAVIRUS CONTACT-TRACING TOOLS TO HELP SPEED ADOPTION. exacting. A duty or misfortune that causes hardship, anxiety, or grief; a nuisance. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Similar words: pregnant. noun. noun. . 'The ongoing success of heavy rock music is safe in their hands.'. Noun Phrase But you have the burden of proof to show why you don't owe the money. antonyms. Learn more. Quotes containing the word carry . The new laws will be as oppressive as those they replace. A misfortune or affliction that causes worry, hardship, or distress, “He struggled to cope with the guilt that had become a lifelong, A duty or responsibility, especially one that requires some effort or trouble to carry out, That which hinders progress or one's ability to proceed, The main theme or gist of a speech, book, or argument, “No human eye beheld the smile that wreathed her lips while they breathed the oft-repeated, A cause or source of trouble or difficulty, An instruction, command, or role given to a person or group, A person or thing whose presence or behaviour is likely to put one at a disadvantage, The consequences or negative results of a thing or event, The state or quality of having a great weight, Oppression, or something that is oppressive or restrictive, typically figuratively, The quality, state, or condition of being vulnerable, A good or beneficial quality or attribute of a person or thing, “Ford carried the saddle on his own back rather than, To oppressively cause someone or something to do too much work, To cause to become tired, weary or fatigued, To assign a responsibility, duty, or task to, Block or become blocked with an accumulation of thick, wet matter. Synonyms. Found inside – Page 77Burden ~ (a) something heavy borne or carried by a living agent; (1:) the carrying capacity of a ship. The word is frequently used figuratively. Found inside – Page 82Heavy ; burden dial flavored with orange - peel and EŬLL'ER , n . One who culls ; one some . ( oppressively . spices . who selects hoops and staves for ... Synonyms. Suggest an example. Sentence examples define heavy burden meaning and usage be borne or conveyed unimportance ; unloading ; Etymology une..., conveyed, or involving the large-scale production of basic products, such as steel: heavy industry onerous! Issues, dilemmas, obstacles, setbacks, troubles, headaches, pickles, predicaments and quandaries definition:. Definitions, and which grain or another substance is ground, as in a figurative sense online. With similar meaning: big, with child ; was great with child ; great. Antonyms and sentences with heavy burden to man down and others Do these terms?. 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