Beginning in the 1930s, France began to exploit the region for its natural resources and to economically diversify the colony. For its part, the Nguyễn dynasty increasingly saw Catholic missionaries as a political threat; courtesans, for example, an influential faction in the dynastic system, feared for their status in a society influenced by an insistence on monogamy. The most significant was during the 1936–1938 Popular Front government led by Leon Blum which appointed as governor-general of Indochina Jules Brévié. Thailand saw this as an opportunity to redraw the borders of French Indochina. Trat became part of Thailand again on 23 March 1907 in exchange for many areas east of the Mekong like Battambang, Siam Nakhon and Sisophon. 14-16 January 1941: Operation "S" - Northern French Indochina Incursion. Pearl Harbor was attacked one-and-a-half hours after Malaya and Thailand were. These included thirty Potez 25 TOE reconnaissance/fighters-bombers, four Farman 221 heavy bombers, six Potez 542 bombers, nine Morane-Saulnier M.S.406 fighters, and eight Loire 130 reconnaissance/bombers flying boats.[11]. Unlike Algeria, French settlement in Indochina did not occur at a grand scale. The Japanese, who wanted to use the Indo-Chinese ports and air-bases, acted as negotiators to bring about a settlement between the French and Thais on 31 January 1941. For French Indochina and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam alike, opium was a dangerous yet lucrative commodity. The superior Royal Thai Air Force then conducted daytime bombing runs over military targets in Vientiane, Phnom Penh, Sisophon, and Battambang with impunity. In the 1930s, Siam engaged France in a series of talks concerning the repatriation of Siamese provinces held by the . Found insideHow colonial governments in Asia and Africa financed their activities and why fiscal systems varied across colonies reveals the nature and long-term effects of colonial rule. French Indochina was formed on 17 October 1887 from Annam, Tonkin, Cochinchina (which together form modern Vietnam) and the Kingdom of Cambodia; Laos was added after the Franco-Siamese War in 1893. The Franco-Thai War (October 1940 – January 28, 1941, Thai: กรณีพิพาทอินโดจีน, romanized: Krṇī phiphāth xindocīn; French: Guerre franco-thaïlandaise) was fought between Thailand and Vichy France over certain areas of French Indochina. After the Second World War, when France attempted to re-conquer its Indochinese domain, the opium trade yielded funds for friend as well as foe, stoking contests that reached deep into the post-colonial era. French business interests, which have hitherto supported the war, might react . In 1904, to get back Chantaburi, Siam had to give Trat and Koh Kong to French Indochina. The French navy in Indochina had one light cruiser and four Avisos. In October 1950, the French army suffered its first major defeat with the battle of Route Coloniale 4. 21 November 1940: Japan decides to support Thailand's demands to regain territory from the French and supplies aircraft and arms to Bangkok. This book offers the first detailed English-language examination of the Great Vietnamese Famine of 1945, which left at least a million dead, and links it persuasively to the largely unexpected Viet Minh seizure of power only months later. The Agreements mandated unification on the basis of internationally supervised free elections to be held in July 1956.[2]. The Franco-Thai War (Thai language: กรณีพิพาทอินโดจีน French language: Guerre franco-thaïlandaise) (1940-1941) was fought between Thailand and Vichy France over certain areas of French Indochina that had once belonged to Thailand.. [13] The Thai navy was inferior to the French naval forces, but the Royal Thai Air Force held both a quantitative and qualitative edge over the local Armée de l'Air units. These three countries were controlled and dominated by France for decades during the second half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. [35] Only French Presidential decrees could overturn the decrees of the Governor-General. 'East Ocean under French Control; Khmer: សហភាពឥណ្ឌូចិន) officially known as the Indochinese Union (French: Union indochinoise; Vietnamese: Liên bang Đông Dương, lit. In time, France had extended its control to encompass Laos, North and South Vietnam, and Cambodia, which they called French Indochina. [14], On 5 January 1941, following the report of a French attack on the Thai border town of Aranyaprathet, the Thai Burapha and Isan Armies launched an offensive on Laos and Cambodia. French annexation was completed by treaties with Siam (called Thailand from 1939) in 1904 and 1907. What are the countries that are part of Indochina? Several hundred thousand people – possibly over one million – are believed to have starved to death in 1944–45. However, the real beneficiaries of the conflict were the Japanese, who were able to expand their influence in both Thailand and Indochina. a. Vietnam b. Laos c. Cambodia d. Thailand Weegy: The Union of Indochina was made up of Vietnam, Cambodia, and C.Laos stan_r|Points 1382| The Thai forces generally did well on the ground, but Thai objectives in the war were limited. In the four protectorates, the French formally left the local rulers in power, who were the Emperors of Vietnam, Kings of Cambodia, and Kings of Luang Prabang, but in fact gathered all powers in their hands, the local rulers acting only as figureheads. 133–223; Sarrat, pp. He also takes us beyond the colonial/anticolonial, nationalist/communist, and war/peace dichotomies that have long dominated Vietnam studies."—David Marr, author of Vietnamese Tradition on Trial, 1920-1945 "This is a wonderful, lucidly ... The French protectorate of Laos formed part of French Indochina, which included Tonkin, Annam, and Cochinchina (these three regions forming modern-day Vietnam), and Cambodia. Formerly part of French Indochina is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted 3 times. To counter the Viet Minh, the State of Vietnam, led by former Emperor Bảo Đại, was proclaimed in 1949. [6] French Indochina was designated as a colonie d'exploitation (colony of economic exploitation) by the French government. On 9 March 1945, with France liberated, Germany in retreat, and the United States ascendant in the Pacific, Japan decided to take complete control of Indochina and destroyed the French colonial administration. French Indochina was made up of the modern-day countries of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, so the only country listed that was NOT part of French Indochina is JAPAN. In 1904, to get back Chantaburi, Siam had to give Trat and Koh Kong to French Indochina. The Country's Cultural and Tourist Center. Negotiations with France shortly before World War II had shown that the French government was willing to make appropriate . Bordered by Thailand and Burma on one side, and China and the South China Sea on the other, Indochina today is a staple part of a traveller's route . At dawn on January 16, 1941, the French launched a large counterattack on the Thai-held villages of Yang Dang Khum and Phum Preav, initiating the fiercest battle of the war. [18], The French army suffered a total of 321 casualties, of whom 15 were officers. Bảo Đại's State of Vietnam proved a weak and unstable government, and Norodom Sihanouk's Cambodia proclaimed its independence in November 1953. The countries that are a part of the Indochinese Peninsula include Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, and Peninsular Malaysia. [42], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}21°02′00″N 105°51′00″E / 21.0333°N 105.8500°E / 21.0333; 105.8500. There are related clues (shown below). ", "The Battle of Koh Chang (January 1941)" The VNQDĐ was the Vietnamese Nationalist Party. This book explores how the occupation affected various minority groups in the region. French control over the region was weakened in 1940 when Thailand (formerly Siam) attacked French IndoChina. From 1887 until the Geneva Accord of 1954, Vietnam was part of French Indochina, a colonial possession which also included Laos and Cambodia. Japan subsequently stepped in to mediate the conflict. [35] The Governor-General held supreme power power in French Indochina over the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the government and had the power to appoint the residents below him. Tripartite Pact of Sept. 1940 ties Germany, Japan, and Italy - Japan receives landing rights in Indochina 3.) The term Indochina refers to the mainland region of Southeast Asia. In the protectorates the indigenous administrations were nominally combined with the French administration, but in the colony of Cochinchina as well as "colonial cities", such as Đà Nẵng in Annam, the French maintained direct rule. The French now had four military tasks in Indochina - staring down the Japanese, suppressing the Mekong revolt, fending off the Thai incursions and garrisoning the country. Ho's government was recognised by the fellow Communist governments of China and the Soviet Union, and Mao's government subsequently gave a fallback position to Ho's forces, as well as abundant supplies of weapons. What was the original name of French Indochina? French gunboats appeared at Bangkok, and demanded the cession of Lao territories east of the Mekong River. Today, French continues to be taught as a second language in the former colonies and used in some administrative affairs.[37][38]. A general ceasefire had been arranged to go into effect at 10:00 on 28 January, and a Japanese-sponsored "Conference for the Cessation of Hostilities" was held at Saigon, with preliminary documents for an armistice between the governments of Marshal Philippe Pétain's French State and the Kingdom of Thailand signed aboard the cruiser Natori on 31 January 1941. Authoritative and original, Dreams of the Hmong Kingdom is among the first works of its kind, exploring the influence that French colonialism and Hmong leadership had on the Hmong people's political and social aspirations. This country controlled Laos for nearly 200 years until Laos became part of French Indochina in 1893. Seeing no other recourse, France sent Genouilly forward in a military effort to end Vietnam's persecution and expulsion of Catholic missionaries. By 1939, it took no more than a month by ship to travel from Marseille to Saigon and around five days by aeroplane from Paris to Saigon. Only Laos was seen initially as an economically unviable colony, although timber was harvested at a small scale from there. … Indochina area or ‘French Indochina’ is a particular part of Southeast Asia, where lie the three nations of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia (Cooper 2001).
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