Yajooj Majooj have been trying to break the wall since the day it was made. قُلْنَا يَا نَارُ كُونِي بَرْدًا وَسَلَامًا عَلَىٰ إِبْرَاهِيمَ If you look at the map of china the wall starts on the east coast in Korea and passes over Beijing towards the south-west from there. They think they along with their devils (2:14) have won the world but they are ignorant of the spiritual realities that exist in this universe from the first moments it was created, if you believe in your devils then also believe in the God that put them here on earth long before man ever set foot on it. He then traveled to the easterly part of the world and “he found it rising on a people for whom We had appointed no shelter therefrom,” which means China’s deserts. The Khazars launched raids in response into Albania and Iranian Azerbaijan but were driven back by the Muslims under Hasan ibn al-Nu’man. Had the wall been in any of the other locations mentioned we could trace the language of that people to others in the region, but Georgian language has been historically isolated, the Ancestors of the local people settling their pre antiquity from about 6 – 5000BC. Abu Thalaba al Khashny the companion of Rasul Allah (saws) said: I heard in the era of Mu’awiyah when he was trying to open Constantine (that the prophet said), “I hope my community will not fail to maintain their position in the sight of their Lord if He delays them half a day, when you see Sham is a bounty for a man and his oligarchy family members then at this time Constantine will be opened.” (Majmu’ al Zawa’id, 6/222, Abu Dawud similarly reported a version in his Sunan). 14:51. (Saawi Vol. Historians who confused the two figures wrote that Alexander the Great built iron gates at an unspecified pass which some Latin and Greek authors (closer to Alexander in origin) identified with Darial pass and came to be known as the Gates Of Alexander. All of this explains the mystery of why the wall has never been located, because it did not survive to any where near our time, the wall would certainly have collapsed before 1048 AD which is when the Khazar empire itself collapsed, more than likely during their wars with the Arab Khalifa during the 7th and 8th century in which they made a push into Georgia and Azerbaijan. Do but help me with strength (of men), I will set between you and them a bank (barrier). There is no doubt that Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj are two huge nations of the sons of Adam. So does one point in a hadith, regardless of how sound it is or isnt, overrule everything else the Quran and Sunnah says about them? الَّتِي كُنتُمْ تُوعَدُونَ All of this tells us the wall must be located somewhere in the centre regions of the map above, between Bulgaria in the west just past Turkey, and Northern Afghanistan in the east, just past Iran, it borders the himalayan mountains, on the other side of which is China. China has some of the largest deserts in the world spanning from one end of it almost to the other along it’s northern borders, which would equate relatively with the line from west to east Dhul Qarnain traveled. God created a nation called Yajooj and Majooj. It is made with blocks or sheets of iron, which is further strengthened by molten lead. There is going to be the fifth global king from this Ummah whose name is Hazrat Imam Mahdi - may Allah be pleased with Him. Dhu al-Qarnayn, a righteous ruler had confined them to a region restricting them to a space surrounded with large walls as a barrier. If Yajuj and Majuj were released the other major signs would have happened already. But then again that goes against the idea of finding the setting place and rising place of the sun if you are in a location where it doesn’t set or rise, which is the hallmark of the verses in the Quran, in either case this has no bearing on location of the wall of Yajuj wa Majuj which is back in the opposite direction. Found insideExamining the roles of translation, descriptive geography, and salvation history in the projection of early 'Abbasid imperial power, this book is essential for all those interested in Islamic studies, the 'Abbasid dynasty and its politics, ... Gergia our rus kay border pur aik aintahee ahmehat ka tareqee pass ya dara hay jo shamal our janoob kay ayjooj mein. It is made with blocks or sheets of iron, which is further strengthened by molten lead. In most aof these texts Gog and Magog are persons or nations opposing God's people in the endtime-tribulations.Sverre Boe focuses on John's use of various Gog and Magog traditions in Revelation 19,17-20,10. This Map depicts the Khazar Empire (618Ad-1048AD) after the collapse of the Wall, unlike the previous Majuj empire in this region, the Huns, they where able to expand south into Georgia when the wall collapsed, we have to remember the Huns almost took Rome itself crossing the historically impassable Alps Mountain range, they also marched all the way to Paris in France, so a small land to their southern home land protecting a weak people should have been no trouble for them, but Allah protected the wall and stopped them from overcoming it. What is known is that the height of this wall reaches that of the summit of both mountains. Gog and Magog, in the Hebrew Bible, the prophesied invader of Israel and the land from which he comes, respectively; or, in the Christian Scriptures (New Testament), evil forces opposed to the people of God. Qatal e Dajjal Documentary Part 8 - Antichrist, دجال, Fitna Dajjal, Qayamat, Yajooj Majooj | NABA7 TV | Ahmed Isa It is made with blocks or sheets of iron, which is further strengthened by molten lead. It has already got around 10000 so far with an average rating of 4.0 out of 5 in play store. The volume assumes no previous knowledge of the Qur'an, Islam or Arabic. Technical terms are explained in the text itself and the style of each entry is designed to be as self-contained as possible. Caliph Yazid II responded, sending 25,000 Muslim troops north, swiftly driving the Khazars back across the Caucasus, recovering Derbent, and advancing on Balanjar (their Capital). There is no mystery about the people themselves Islamic scholars have known who they are for a long time, the mystery is only on how to interpret the Ahadith regarding them in a logical and sane manner, which is what the scholars demanded of all Tafsir. Found inside – Page 7048 . of the northem barbarians , and which extended from Derbend , 6 Calmet's ... Herod . b . iii . called the wall ( against ) Yajooj and Majooj , that is ... The verse in the Quran gives us the best clue, “Then he followed a road, Till, when he came between the two mountains”, the last road he follows must be in a different direction than east or west because the third road is mentioned seperate from his first two roads already mentioned in previous verses, looking on the Map this must be in a North direction and can’t be south. One (such) way he followed. The capital City of China Beijing is relatively near the Gobi desert, and the Yellow Sea on China’s coast is near it. In this updated edition, the authors reflect on Central Asia's history since the end of the Russo-Afghan war, and particularly in the wake of 9/11. It has been mentioned earlier that it begins from al-bahr al-muhit (this lengthy description is of the Caspian Sea) located in the east of the fourth kingdom and goes up to the northern end of the kingdom. Dhul Qarnayn wall. Comme son nom l’indique, Wikilivre.org contient les réponses à des millions de questions sur tout ce qui se passe sous le soleil. Like Us On Facebook. The height of the wall or its exact length is unknown. Yajooj Majooj Urdu is an Android Books & Reference app that is developed by U Developers and published on Google play store on NA. The increase of evil people isn’t in our time or the future, because their is almost no islam today and there hasn’t been a khalifa on earth for 100 years, we are at the end of time when the evil people not only have increased in number but have won against all nations on earth, they are in fact presently controlling the world moulding it into their image (society), so this hadith clearly says the wall came down in our history before they took control in Islamic lands. Through the blessings of them saying InshaAllah as a result, the wall will break the next day and it will the time near Qiyamah. 75.1. Hadith - everyday Yajooj and Majooj try to get through the wall, and when they are nearly there, the leader says lets come back tomorrow. The people where described as those who found no shelter from the sun, but that doesn’t mean every region of their land was like this, it is a characterisation of the people found in Northern China which was multiple countries and people in those times. For 300 years, from just before AD800 until well into the eleventh century, the Vikings affected almost every region accessible to their ships, and left traces that are still part of life today' Far from being just 'wild, barbaric, axe ... The many accounts we have mentioned in this work from the scholars, tells us overall that they treated this subject realistically, the wall was a normal wall blocking a huge number of tribes on the other side of it located in a normal part of the earth, one day this wall will come down and the tribes will be free to roam as they please, the general assumption among them. He was given power over every land he trod on until he reached the farthest confines of creation”. . gog and magog (yajooj majooj) Guests can now reply in ALL forum topics (No registration required!) What is known is that the height of this wall reaches that of the summit of both mountains. Her attendants returned home, convinced that some Arab faction had poisoned her, and her father was enraged. It is so much larger than earth. Other Qualities that tell us this is the correct location besides the fact the Caucus Mountain range runs the length of Georgia’s and Azerbaijan’s borders and into both seas, is that they are just North of the Arabian peninsula within reasonable travel distance for the companions, and are about the half way point of Dhul Qarnain’s Journey from the west to the east just off his path, close enough for him to go on hajj soon after the completion of his journey, which as it is described by Allah in the Quran building the wall was the last part of it. Darasandwazaif. And We knew all concerning him.”, “Then he followed a road Till, when he came between the two mountains, he found upon their hither side a folk that scarce could understand a saying. The Quran suggests it was a Giant solid Iron wall with brass poured on top, but the translation could read that He continuously used iron until He filled the Gap (with Stone), then used Molten Brass on the Surface giving it the stripped look, we can only assume the black is from the iron metal. Ibn Khaldun is a famous muslim Historian and scholar, like Imam Qurtubi and the other scholars he understood this subject realistically, more precisely He affirms everything we have said so far, from the location of Majuj tribes north of the Caucus mountains, to the location of the wall being in Darial pass, to it being Attributed to Alexander the Great; In His history, as part of his description of the sixth kingdom, he mentions the geographical location of Yajuj wa Majuj and the Wall of Dhul-Qarnain (the kingdoms may be hard to follow): “Inhabiting towards the west, in the ninth part of the seventh kingdom, there are tribes of Turks called “qinfaq” [Qipcaq or Qypchaq] and “Cherkess” [Circassians, the Caucasian people], The eastern side (Southern Russia) is populated by Ya’juj Ma’juj, In between the two (lands), Mount Caucasus draws the line of demarcation. The wall in central Asia in southern Uzbekistan (just north of Afghanistan) in a place called Derbent (a number of places share this name). When there are no more human targets left for their arrows, Yājūj and Mājūj will shoot at the sky, hoping to destroy heaven. What is known is that the height of this wall reaches that of the summit of both mountains. We know the tribes of Yajuj wa Majuj are Human like us, descendant from Nuh (as), hence we have to always treat them as humans experiencing life and the test of Allah for mankind on earth like the rest of us, this rules out hidden underground caves with billions of people in them, we can’t survive with out the sun neither can our food, or magical invisible walls that can’t be found because of special fogs or clouds hiding them, which aren’t mentioned in ahadith or the Quran anywhere. According to the Qur'an, the people of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj spread great mischief on earth and represent chaos, so Allah gave Zulqarnain (also in other stories interpreted as Alexander The Great) the power to build an iron wall to detain them, separating them from humans. We will come the next day and break it down. That would be the time when Yajooj and Majooj will emerge with full power again and will cause immense menace in the world. Another fact to consider is that historically the people here have always been relatively weaker than those to the north and south of them, most other locations for the wall, the people where part of an empire or larger group of people not so easily harassed, the Gate in Uzbekistan for example was guarded by a number of warlords historically attached to the Persian empire, it was used to tax merchants, the great wall of China by a Chinese empire and the Derbent gate on the caspian sea by the Persian empire, so the wall in Darial pass was built to protect a people who could not protect themselves and historical where surrounded by large empires that could defend themselves. Dhu’l Qarnayn traveled the earth until he reached “maghriba al shamsi” (86) the setting place of the sun, then he traveled until he reached “matli’aa al-shams” (90), the rising place of the sun. 4, p. 1216) Some people have entertained the misunderstanding that the wall attributed here to Dhul-Qarnain refers to the famous Great Wall of China, whereas this wall was built between basit aliDerbent and Dar’yal, two cities of Daghestan in the Caucasus, the land that lies between the Black Sea and the Caspian. It is made with blocks or sheets of iron, which is further strengthened by molten lead. Everyday Yajuj Majuj ram into the iron wall built by Dhul-Qarnayn in an endeavor to break free from . In this manner Ya'jooj and Majooj are unable to scale the wall, or cross it, except when it is the will of Allah. The Umayyads tightened their grip on Armenia in 705 after suppressing a large-scale rebellion. yajooj majooj wall location built by dhul qarnayn on google maps part 1 i quran tutorial urdu . (Al-Qurtubi, p. 58, v11), This is important because Allah says when the wall comes down they (meaning their many tribes spanning continents, from eastern Europe to Russia and then into Asia) will come at mankind and each other in waves, which Historically is precisely accurate, one huge Yajuj Majuj empire after another, the Huns, Rouran, Gokturk, Khazar, Mongols, Tartars (etc), all fighting each other and the rest of mankind; “This is a mercy from my Lord, but when the Promise of my Lord comes, He will level it to dust. These tribes made their way through that rift and created chaos for the people living beyond that area. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Thereafter relations became increasingly cordial between the Khazars and the Abbasid Khalifah, whose foreign policies were generally less expansionist than the Umayyads. Zulqarnain ka bania hua band hu saktha tha our esee kay shmal mein woh wahshee aqwam thein jinhay rokhnay. The following Map of the world in 400AD shows the tribes of Yajuj wa Majuj during that period which includes the Rouran Khaganate in northern China, the Huns where located above the Black and Caspian seas, but as their empire collapsed multiple tribes fought for dominance, the Khazar empire finally taking control of the region in southern Russia. In this manner Ya'jooj and Majooj are unable to scale the wall, or cross it, except when it is the will of Allah. Hence the Quran saying He reached the setting of the sun is talking about His intent to travel, it was to find the place the sun set, because at that time this was a common thought and reason people traveled the world, to find where the sun set or rose which was done by traveling to the far east or far west, he did both unlike others, such journeys are often mentioned in mythologies like that of the vikings. Derbend in Georgia and them a bank ( barrier ). ” ( )! When they return the next day, we will discuss these subjects in detail at a later time with the! Wall reaches that of the summit of both mountains for we see in Ezekiel chapter 38, Gog! Many languages réponses sont tirées de milliers de livres, rapports et sources fiables Majooj: are a tribe people... Ibn al-Nu ’ man fought a series of wars against the Umayyad Khalifah and the style of each other. (! Metal that once existed in that Gorge molten copper to pour thereon free.... 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